Solar panels is the next step, after the solar collectors use solar energy. Solar collectors make it possible to obtain only thermal energy, unlike batteries, which went considerably further and convert solar energy into electrical energy. Therefore, the battery significantly extend the capabilities and much more in demand. Also another advantage is that the battery is much less loss due to one-step conversion than the collector, which is for heat transformation several steps.
Solar panels is a collection of solar cells in a specific sequence, which convert solar energy into electrical energy. This direct conversion is today considered one of the most promising ways to produce electricity.
According to the structure of solar wafers are divided into:
· Single crystal;
· Polikristal;
· Amorphous.
Each type differs in value, and hence the productivity. Most Affordable Monocrystalline solar cells, but they are, unfortunately and the most low-yielding. The most common are polycrystalline solar panels. They are widely used in private construction, and are particularly popular and in demand in those parts where there is no centralized energy supply. The capacity of these batteries have enough fully to ensure energonezavisimot private home. Amorphous solar panels the modern, but also the most expensive, their composition is amorphous silicon. This development is yet experimental and not widely implemented in production due to the very high price of.
Solar cells can also be separated by size. This may be a tiny cell for various small equipment, and it is constantly transported along with it. But there is a huge solar wafers up to 200 watts, which are used only stationary.
Solar cells are used in various sectors of life. In portable electronics photocells incorporated as power supplies. Now developers solve the problem depending on smart phones and other gadgets from the wall outlet. In the automotive industry through the solar panels going electric charge. In the field of air, realized Solar Impulse project, which is based on the production of aircraft laid ispolzuegoschego only solar energy. The most widespread solar energy in the energy supply of buildings. Also have been applied photovoltaic panels in space – it is one of the leading ways to generate electricity in space vehicles. In medicine, too, found the application of solar cells in the form of a subcutaneously implanted power source for implanted devices.
On the efficiency of solar cells affects the temperature rise, significantly reducing their productivity. One of the main disadvantages of using solar cells have a large area for their installation. Solar power significantly reduces their productivity with the beginning of twilight and completely stop working at night, while the peak power consumption is just at dark. And, despite the ecological solar energy, photovoltaic panels themselves contain in its structure a number of toxic substances.
However, the durability of this technology, samovozobnovlyaemost energy source, easy choice of the components of solar modules, the ability to install solar panels in any place where there is the presence of sunlight and absolute design autonomy gives a big boost to its further development and mass introduction into everyday life, and in the near future and to replace the traditional methods of producing electricity.
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