Feed-in tariff – a special tariff for purchase of electricity produced by an enterprise or private farms, the use of alternative energy sources. Feed-in tariff is slightly higher than for which tariffs are implemented electricity generated from conventional sources. This is because alternative energy is still developing and not used massively. Also, the production of electricity from renewable sources that is more costly.
To properly calculate the rate, using a special formula, but it is different for each energy source. Taking into account all the features and costs that occur during the production of energy.
In general, the tariff calculation can be described as follows:
the derived of the price at which electricity is released second-class consumer, and feed-in tariff rate, which is set for each manufacturer separately.
At the state level feed-in tariff is used in order to promote alternative energy market and education for its implementation. Since may 20, 2016 came into force NERC decree number 508 of 31.03.16r. set green tariffs. Scientists have made a forecast that in the near future will most likely alternative production methods electricity displace traditional energy. This contributes to the rapid reduction of global mineral resources and pollution of waste power generation. For more than 50 countries around the world have adopted green tariff at the legislative level in order to regulate the energy market and to stimulate energy producers from renewable sources.
One of the advantages of green tariff is that the private sector will now be able to sell at special rates generated electricity, to all participants of the energy market. And those, in turn, agree to buy it at this rate. This rule will be secured at the legislative level.
To start sales of electricity on a green tariff is necessary that the house was connected to the electricity grid, and go through a series of simple procedures:
1. Set at the privately owned unit converts the energy of alternative sources of electricity;
2. notify the local power company in writing;
3. Equip your mains meter reverse drive;
4. Open a bank account;
5. Document the signing with the power company a contract of sale.
The most common use of the green tariff, the sale of electricity produced by private households equipped with solar power.
This approach provides an opportunity not only to become energy independent and reduce energy costs, but also to start making money on the production of electricity, although a few years ago it seemed impossible.
Feed-in tariff – a real breakthrough in the development of alternative energy sources. One of the motivating factors for the development of alternative energy market. With each year will increase the number of households equipped with power plants that use renewable energy sources, which in the future will provide an opportunity to gain energy independence.