Головна Автори Інформація по Надточей Кирилл

Надточей Кирилл

Training course. Part 2 – Methods of generating electricity.

1.2. Methods of generating electricity.

The next material is allowed to be used for educational purposes.

The flow of sunlight falling directly on the Earth’s surface has a maximum density of 1 kilowatt per square meter. The wavelength range is 0.3-2.5 μm.

Such radiation is called “shortwave”. It should be noted that this type of radiation consists of rays of the visible spectrum.

The sun’s rays are a stream of energy obtained from a publicly available source with elevated temperatures (the surface temperature of the Sun is about 6,000 degrees Kelvin) compared to conventional energy sources.

Equipment that uses solar energy to generate electricity can be placed both on planet Earth and outside its atmosphere.

When short-wave radiation from the sun passes through the atmospheric layers, it is divided by the types of interconnection:

Energy absorption.

The rays are transformed into heat by the movement of molecules.

Ray scattering.

The direction in which the initial motion of the rays changes, and the angle of their impact on the earth’s surface varies.

Reflection of rays.

This type of interaction does not depend on the angle at which the rays fall. About 30 percent of the concentrated flow of the sun’s rays from outer space is sent back through reflection. The reflection is due to clouds or snow surface (ice) that covers the Earth’s surface.

In addition to generating electricity through solar systems, solar radiation is used for heating purposes (in remote areas with low temperatures and insufficient heating resources), as well as for hot water supply.

A concentrated flow of solar energy can provide a temperature range of 100 to 700 degrees Celsius. These temperatures will be sufficient to ensure the operation of a heat engine that has a relatively high efficiency.

There is a technology for creating special concentrators of parabolic configuration. Only the manufacture of such a device with a diameter of more than 30 meters is problematic. If we take into account the capacity of such equipment (about 700 kilowatts, i.e. 200 kilowatts per hour of electricity), the financial and time costs are quite justified. Such power of the concentrator will be quite enough for power supply of small power systems. Stationary utility networks require high power and performance.

Conversion of solar energy by the thermodynamic method

The method of energy conversion using the phenomenon of thermodynamics allows to obtain electricity from sunlight almost similar to the generation of electricity through the use of other energy sources.

It should be borne in mind that the radiation that reaches the earth’s surface has certain features:

  • reduced density;
  • the presence of cyclicality during the day;
  • the presence of a cycle depending on the season;
  • the influence of weather conditions.

Thermodynamic transformation should occur in such a way that the use of different heat indicators does not affect the performance of the system. This means that it is necessary to use energy storage devices in such a system to eliminate possible fluctuations in the operating modes of the system. Batteries will provide a given amount of energy with time.

The device, which makes possible the process of thermodynamic conversion of solar radiation, must include the following technical components:

  • a receiving system that converts solar energy into heat (thermal energy is then transferred to the coolant);
  • a system that allows you to transfer the heat carrier from the receiving system to the storage or heat exchangers (it is in them that the working fluid is heated);
  • a system that allows you to control the incident solar radiation;
  • thermal energy storage;
  • heat exchangers.

Solar power plants, which are based on the use of the principle of thermodynamics in the conversion of energy flow, are based on their work in 2 fundamental ways.

The first way allows the use of small centralized stations in remote or inaccessible areas.

The second way regulates the use of large solar installations (their capacity is about 20-30 MW). Equipment of this type is used in powerful power systems.

Solar collectors

In its composition, the installation that collects sunlight has an important structural component – a solar collector. This device captures the sun’s rays. Next is the transformation of energy flow from the sun into heat, followed by heating of water, air and other coolants.

Existing focusing collectors also have a flat configuration.

The first type of collector absorbs the energy flux of rays with subsequent concentration. In other words – increasing the density of the flow. If we talk about solar collectors with a flat configuration, then the absorption occurs without concentration.

Concentrators of radiation or solar energy flux

With the help of the concentrator there is an increase in the density of the radiation flux of sunlight. The concentrator is a special equipment that has the form of a set of lenses (or mirror surfaces).

Optical surfaces in such devices are flat, parabolic cylindrical or paraboloid. For the manufacture of this component, materials with high reflectivity (thin metal plate or foil material) are used.

There are two types of SES: tower and modular configuration.

The modular power plant is presented in the form of a large number of collectors that concentrate radiation. Collector installations do not depend on each other and watch the sun independently.

It should be noted that the concentrator may not be in the form of a paraboloid. This configuration is the most productive, but not required.

The task of concentration equipment is to transfer energy to the coolant, more precisely – its filling. The heated liquid (heat carrier content) is fed to the central part of the station. A thermochemical component (e.g. dissociated ammonia compound) or water vapor (for direct use by a steam turbine) can be used as the heat exchanger fluid.

Systems consisting of concentrated manifolds have a number of disadvantages:

  • each reflector requires a separate heat sink with a complex design. ;
  • assuming that you have to remove energy from 20,000 paraboloid-shaped reflectors, you will need an expensive exchange circuit that can withstand high temperatures (including the generator drive of 100 megawatts). The circuit will serve as a connection for separate concentration plants.

The disadvantages are eliminated if you replace 10,000-20,000 receivers with one similar device in terms of size and configuration. An important requirement is to raise the device above the ground.

In this form, there is a tower-type solar station. Its conceptual difference is that parabolic reflectors are replaced by flat ones. This significantly reduces the cost of technology.

Use of solar ponds A

Solar pond is a heating structure that involves the use of water as a heat shield.

As a basis the big reservoir (natural or dug especially for this purpose) can be used. This technology does not require large financial costs. For example, in Israel, the Dead Sea can play the role of a solar pond.

The solar pond contains a storage of thermal energy, which is why its scope is quite extensive.

Application of a solar pond:

  • in systems of solar heat supply of objects;
  • in providing hot water to residential buildings;
  • in order to generate thermal energy for technological needs;
  • in conditioning (air conditioners of absorption type);
  • electricity generation.

The solar pond is able to act in parallel as a collector and storage of thermal energy.

The technology of creating a solar pond involves pouring different density (due to the concentration of salts) layers of water. The layer of water where the salt concentration is highest is at the bottom of the reservoir. Its width is about half a meter.

By absorbing the sun’s rays through the bottom, which have a dark color, the lowest layer of water is heated.

The density of the aqueous layer at the bottom decreases with increasing temperature, but mixing with the subsequent layer does not occur due to the correctly calculated salt concentration in the water.

Convection in the solar pond is absent, i.e. heated water from the bottom does not rise to the surface, as is the case in conventional reservoirs. Thus, the temperature of the bottom layer of water sometimes rises to 90 degrees Celsius (there are even cases of boiling).

The solar pond is able to ensure the smooth operation of the solar power plant in case of disappearance of insolation. The pond, which has a depth of two meters, will allow SES to work in a constant mode for about a week. If the depth of the reservoir is greater, then we can talk about seasonal cycles of energy accumulation.

A significant disadvantage of this type of solar energy storage is the need to use large areas. Solar ponds are very safe from an ecological point of view, because salt water in the wild has existed for centuries.

Solar installations located on the Earth’s surface

At the moment, the popularity of “solar houses” is growing. These are residential facilities that fully meet their energy needs on their own. In many cases, they do not even have a connection to the general network, so they are not burdened by planned power outages, tariff increases and other problems of modern energy supply to the consumer.

The largest number of such projects has been implemented in the United States, Western Europe and Japan. In our country, similar technologies are also being implemented, albeit slowly. Whether because of the financial cost, or because of a weak understanding of the principle of operation of such installations and the obvious benefits.

This method of generating energy can be based on one of three options for energy conversion:

  • photovoltaic;
  • photothermal;
  • photochemical.

The photothermal method involves heating the coolant to a collector unit, which is a system of light-absorbing tubes. The heating temperature of the coolant is quite high. The technology is able to provide heat to the home as heating.

The collector is located on the roof surface of the object so that the amount of sunlight falling on its surface was maximum.

There is also a special system of reflective blinds. It is controlled by a computer and creates the most acceptable level of illumination of the collector to ensure the optimal temperature of the premises.

A certain amount of energy is accumulated through the use of batteries (thermal or mechanical). This process is short-term – energy is stored for a couple of days, no more. If there is a need for long-term energy storage, you will need a chemical battery.

It is known that one square meter of collector installation during the day can provide about 70 liters of water, the temperature of which is about 80 degrees Celsius.

Hard-to-reach regions with cold climates have long used this technology.

If the “solar house” has in addition to heat from the sun and electricity of its own generation, it is worth considering the following type of solar system.

This type of collector involves the use of freon as heat storage. It can be another liquid. The main thing – it must have a low heat of evaporation.

This type of installation operates at one hundred degrees Celsius and does not require solar concentrators. When water is used as a heat carrier, its temperature should reach 200-500 degrees Celsius. In this case, it is mandatory to use hubs in the form of mirror surfaces that direct sunlight to the surface of the collector.

Photovoltaic converters have become much more common in recent times. Most often they are formed from crystalline compounds of silicon and gallium arsenide.

Conversion of solar energy using FEP

The basis of this method of electricity generation is the flow of solar energy, called among the scientific community light flux (photon flux). Like the flow of air, the flow of solar particles has a certain energy.

It should be noted that before entering the atmosphere, the solar flux density varies within 1360 watts per square meter. After the passage of the atmosphere, the intensity of insolation becomes much lower, and on the earth’s surface the figures are close to a thousand watts per square meter.

To convert solar energy into electricity, an important role is played by a pseudo-square of silicon, the edges of which have a beveled shape. The diameter of this device is 125 mm. This device is called a photoelectric converter (PV). 

How is the conversion of energy? Physicists who were able to discover the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect managed to solve this problem. This process is the extraction of charged particles from the structure of the atom due to the influence of light radiation.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the physicist Planck proved that light radiation has the ability to be emitted and absorbed in certain portions. These “portions” were called quanta (or photons).

This hypothesis substantiated the scientific work carried out by Heinrich Hertz thirteen years earlier.

Later, 3 laws of this phenomenon were derived:

  • Under conditions of constant spectral composition, there is a directly proportional relationship between the saturation current and the incident light flux on the cathode.
  • The increase in the kinetic energy of charged particles that have been extracted by light radiation increases and does not depend on the intensity of the light flux.
  • There will be no photo effect when the luminous flux frequency is below the set red limit.

The theory of the photo effect is the basis for explaining the processes occurring in the FEP.

The photoelectric converter acts as a central component of the solar panel. It should be noted that the FEP is a semiconductor element. The photoelectric converter has a unique process – the valve photo effect. It is based on the appearance of an electric driving force within the pn junction. This process is carried out under the influence of solar radiation.

The valve photo effect that occurs within the closing layer is called the process when charged particles leave one body and pass into the semiconductor element through the dividing surface.

Semiconductors are compounds whose specific conductivity is between the indicators of conductors and dielectrics. The main difference between semiconductors and conductors is the strong dependence of conductivity on the amount of impurities, temperature and different types of rays.

Semiconductors include materials with a band gap in the region of the EV pair.

Semiconductors: selenium, germanium, arsenic, silicon, a large number of alloys.

The most popular representative of semiconductors at the moment is silicon. This element is about 30 percent of the earth’s crust.

Silicon has become the most popular in solar energy for a number of reasons:

  • available, available in large quantities in the natural environment;
  • has low weight;
  • the band gap is 1.12 electron volts.

The modern market for commercial solar systems for installation on the ground is represented by 90 percent crystalline silicon panels and 10 percent – thin-film.

The central figure in the FEP configuration is the pn junction. In simple terms, the photoelectric converter is a kind of “sandwich”, where the layers of silicon are subjected to the doping process.

It should be noted that the pn junction is distinguished by its special ability to act as an energy barrier for particles carrying electric current. In other words, the transition passes the charge carriers in only one direction.

This effect is fundamental in the production of electricity by solar panels.

The sun’s rays appear on the surface of the panel and start the process of generating charged particles in the body of the semiconductor. Current carriers appear with a minus (electron) and with a plus (hole). The task of the pn junction is the separation of charged particles into “their” halves. The chaotic motion of current carriers turns into an ordered division on different sides of a certain type of particle. Then these separated particles are let into the outer circuit. That’s where the tension is created. Electricity appears in a closed circuit.

If we talk about the materials used to create photovoltaic converters, then silicon crystals and gallium arsenide compounds are the best options. Their heat resistance and efficiency have higher rates (20 percent higher than other materials).

When we talk about “solar houses”, it is unwise to consider only the amount of electricity generated. In addition to the amount of energy produced by the sun, the energy efficiency of the building plays an important role. After all, the competent distribution of energy and frugal treatment of it can reduce unnecessary costs and reduce the need for electricity and heat.

In addition to solar panels on the roof or in the household, the building must have a high level of thermal insulation, equipped with powerful ventilation systems, etc. This will avoid large energy losses.

Solar panels are the future!

Solar panels are involved in converting the flow of solar energy into electricity, which can be used to meet the current energy needs of the facility or stored with batteries.

There are frame and frameless panels. The first type is presented in the form of a surface framed by a profile. As a rule, the profile is made of aluminum.

The surface of the panel is presented in the form of a glass plate. In essence, it is a photovoltaic generator. The surface of the solar panel includes laminated components. The panel body has a diode unit on the inside.

The cover of the diode unit hides the electrical contacts. They are used to connect the panel.

Solar panels that do not have a frame are presented in the form of a laminated surface on an aluminum base. In addition, they can be located on the textolite. Another option is a module that has no substrate.

The module also includes a film-like material – ethyl vinyl acetate. It is located between the solar cells.

On the front side, the module is covered with a colorless film. On the back is a substrate or film-like material without separate optical conditions.

It should be noted that the operation of the solar module is maintained at temperatures from minus 50 to plus 75 degrees Celsius.

Atmospheric pressure of the order of 84-106 kilopascals is not able to interfere with the operation of the panel. The humidity at which the photovoltaic module can operate is up to 100 percent.

If we talk about weather conditions, the rain, with an intensity of 5 millimeters per minute will not be an obstacle to the full operation of the module.

Solar energy is gaining popularity around the world due to a number of advantages.

First, generating electricity using solar panels is a fairly simple and reliable way. The photovoltaic module does not require any fuel. It can function properly with an internal resource.

Second, solar panels do not require intricate and complex maintenance. Owners of private SES note the unpretentiousness of the modules.

Third, the undeniable advantage of photovoltaic modules is that the intermediate phases of the energy flow conversion process are absent. If the owner of a household or commercial object has decided to purchase solar installations, his energy supply problems are solved for a long time.

The service life of solar modules is estimated at tens of years. In most cases, they can be used for about 20-25 years with sufficient efficiency.

It is not necessary to take out of context the fact that photovoltaic modules do not cause any harm to the environment, because they do not have emissions and wastes in the process of energy generation.

In addition, it is worth noting that the use of RES allows not only to save money, but also to increase their income by selling electricity at a “green” rate to the grid.

One of the main advantages of inexhaustible resources should not be overlooked when determining the benefits of solar energy. Solar energy is free, its deposits do not exist, the sun shines for billions of years and will shine.

Energy storage

Electricity generation is very closely linked to storage. After all, energy production can not be calculated accurately, so there is a need to store residues for some time in order to use them during a shortage of solar radiation (at night or in bad weather).

It should be noted that decentralized use for alternative energy sources is the best option. The reason is low intensity and inattention.

The process of energy accumulation from RES is radically different from the process of energy accumulation from nuclear and thermal power plants.

RES are usually scattered throughout the territory, so the transmission of electricity over long distances loses its meaning.

The main problem with the use of ecological energy sources is the equalization of demand over time. Since the natural conditions and intensity of radiation do not depend on us, it is impossible to predict the amount of generation in a particular clock. It is the accumulation of energy that can solve this problem.

Lack of control over the amount of energy produced by the sun is leveled in the presence of powerful storage devices capable of storing excess energy for some time, and if necessary to provide it to meet energy needs.

Consider options for the accumulation of electricity:

  • heat;
  • chemical;
  • electric.

The accumulation of energy accompanies not only alternative energy, but also traditional. Only if the energy storage of TPPs is expressed in the form of coal reserves, the energy accumulation of RES looks completely different.

Thermal method of energy storage

Heat with low temperatures acts as one of the most popular sources in modern world energy consumption. The fact is that when heating the use of heat with high temperatures in general is not necessary. A high temperature source can be useful for industrial purposes.

In order to heat the living space will be enough receiver of thermal energy from sunlight and heat storage.

 In climatic conditions, which provide for the predominance of low temperatures, it is most important to accumulate thermal energy. In addition to the accumulation of heat from solar radiation, the accumulation of residual heat during the operation of the equipment is also popular.

To create a reserve of thermal energy for 90 days is an absolutely feasible goal. The main thing is to create a well-thought-out housing project. The primary task is high-quality thermal insulation. In addition, you should think about how to prevent mold and prevent dehydration.

In addition, it is important to install a ventilation system that will control the temperature processes. Heat recirculation in this case will be a great solution.

Residual heat from cooking, light, etc. can become an internal source of thermal energy. You just have to think about how this heat can be saved.

There are many examples of such housing in the world, which combine energy efficiency and modern design. At the same time, there are no inconveniences for the residents of such a house.

It should be noted that the storage capacity of rocks in this case is better than water.

By itself, a residential building for 4 days is able to act as a store of thermal energy.

Heat retention is most in demand in regions where cold prevails. In hot countries, the most popular technology is the accumulation of cold. These two technologies are very similar.

When it comes to the accumulation of thermal energy, we should mention the existence of technology based on changing the phase state of some compounds at a certain temperature.

A clear example of this is Glauber’s salt. At a temperature of 32 degrees Celsius, this compound breaks down. The decomposition reaction is reversible. As a result of starting the reverse process, 650 MJ of heat per 1 square meter is released.

The price of energy storage is formed depending on the complexity and material of construction. Heat accumulators with water inside have much lower specific gravity. And a battery that uses the process of disintegration of Glauber’s salt may be an alternative solution.

Chemical way of energy storage

Chemical elements form a number of bonds that can retain energy. Energy is released by an exothermic reaction. A well-known reaction is combustion. In some cases, the reaction requires triggering by external factors. This may be an increase in temperature or the use of catalysts.

The use of biological compounds in batteries has special conditions, we will not consider it. Let’s focus on the use of traditional chemical components used in popular types of energy storage.

Use of hydrogen.

The electrolysis process results in hydrogen compounds. A power source is required to start the process. Hydrogen in the gaseous state is placed in special tanks and supplied to facilities that require a source of energy. Hydrogen is burned to meet energy needs.

The reaction product is water, i.e. no harmful substances are released during use. Slightly less than 20 grams of water is released in the process of obtaining 242 J of heat.

Storing hydrogen in large quantities causes a number of inconveniences and additional costs. The most promising and least expensive way is to use caverns located underground. Such natural tanks resemble those formed in the process of natural gas production.

An alternative solution is to use pipelines to transport hydrogen. Those that currently supply natural gas are also suitable for this purpose.

In order to generate electricity, hydrogen can also be used successfully without harming the environment. Fuel cells can run on hydrogen without any problems.

Use of ammonia.

Ammonia decomposes at a certain temperature on H2 and NH3. If you apply this reaction in a heat engine, it is possible to receive electricity continuously. All you need is the thermal energy of the sun’s rays.

Electric way of energy storage

Electricity is the most perfect form of energy. Its accumulation is the primary task of modern science. Scientists around the world spend years looking for the best way to accumulate. Cheaper technology plays an important role in this search.

It is a well-known fact that only a rechargeable battery can store and dispense electricity when needed.

Batteries of various volumes and configurations are part of solar and wind power plants.

Training Сourse – Part 2. RES market in Ukraine and features of further development of the region.

This material is allowed to be used for educational purposes.

RES market in Ukraine and features of further development of the region.

A great geographical location gives our country great chances for the implementation of solar energy projects.

The climate of Ukraine suggests the availability of a sufficient number of sunny days for the productive work of the solar power plants. It should be noted that the level of insolation in our country is higher than in Germany, which is currently the world leader in the part of solar energy in overall generation. The main prospects in the field of commerce solar power plants due to this very basic factor.

To date, the government is providing comprehensive support for new solar energy projects in order to popularize and promote it. Still, state support so far operates only at the level of adoption of laws. The practical application of the bills has not yet led to the desired effect, which should be expected in the future.

The last five years have shown that solar energy, which initially occupies a small segment in the form of a couple of pilot projects, has now turned into a rapidly developing area, which is gaining momentum exponentially.

Authorized agency IB Center Inc. From the United States, according to an analysis of the energy market of our country, it stated that capitalization indicators for 2016 amounted to $ 1.4 billion.

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Investment projects have suffered from events that began in 2014, but the situation is currently stabilizing.

According to the results of 2016, representatives of the State Energy Efficiency Agency presented a report that outlined the positive dynamics regarding renewable energy projects. A special place in the growth of the share of alternative energy in Ukraine is given to photovoltaics.

After the adoption of the Law in 2015, which related to amendments to the current legislation in order to create conditions for competition in the field of renewable energy, we can say that a fairly clear legal stimulation of the investment attractiveness of our country has appeared. By this law, the Verkhovna Rada tied the “green” tariff to the euro exchange rate.

Statistical data of the State Energy Efficiency indicate that in October last year in Ukraine there were 359 fully functioning alternative energy facilities. Their total power is about 1320 megawatts.

It should be noted that investment activity relative to Ukrainian facilities is increasing every quarter. Only while the share of renewable energy in the total amount of energy produced in Ukraine is negligible.

For almost the entire last year, alternative energy increased capacity by only 1% of the total energy volume.

But this fact is not a sentence for renewable energy sources. It is important that our country became part of the energy community of Europe. Thus, Ukraine has taken a number of obligations at the international level. The main one is to increase the percentage of alternative energy in the state’s energy balance. The share of renewable energy should reach 11 percent by 2020. Thus, we can conclude that in the next two years we will observe the construction of all new SPPs and wind farms in emergency mode.

Already at this stage, the share of fossil fuels begins to decline. This process is quite slow, but the shifts are obvious.

Europe's "biggest hole" and largest, most destructive open… | Flickr

Experts note that during the total use of fossil fuels around the world, stocks have been significantly depleted.

In Ukraine, there is a special program of energy efficiency and energy conservation. Based on the studies, the data were obtained, according to which for 2017 there are:

  • uranium deposits in the amount that is enough for the whole country for 30 years;
  • coal – for 170 years;
  • the oil reserve is designed for 43 years;
  • natural gas is enough for 55 years.

Such indicators confuse not only Ukraine, but the whole world.

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Now the world community is striving to find an alternative and finds it in the face of renewable energy.

Experts in the field of alternative energy say that in the next 5-10 years, the profession “Solar-installer” will be the most demanded around the world, including in Ukraine.

The rapid development of this area around the world requires a large number of personnel. It should be noted that in Ukraine the demand for solar-installers will only grow every year. The reason for this is the high “green” tariff.

In Europe, the “green” tariff is actively reduced, and the payback period of objects is increasing. In Ukraine, the tariff will not be less than at least another 5 years. Therefore, our country is the most attractive investment.

Many experts note that the solar installer is the profession of the future.

It is interesting that at the moment in our country there are very few institutions that would teach this popular specialty. In addition, educational institutions (as in other professions) provide a maximum of theoretical knowledge and a minimum of practical knowledge. For a successful implementation in the field of alternative energy, a young specialist must have as many practical skills and specific knowledge as possible that attached to the process.

The cost of training is also important. So far, this area of ​​knowledge involves the graduation of a small number of specialists. The more the labor market will require qualified personnel in the field of solar energy, those tuition prices will rise, and at times.

It should be noted that in Europe at the moment you can get the highest quality education in this area. Moreover, both theoretical and practical. Many specialists who have studied abroad pass on their experience through training courses already in Ukraine.

Experts say that those who decide to master the profession of a solar installer today will benefit in the near future.

The country’s growing demand for solar specialists can be clearly seen in Germany.
In the last ten years, the number of specialists in the field of solar energy in the country has reached 300 thousand. And such indicators are not limiting, because this growth continues.
The joint research work of Greenpeace and the European Photovoltaic Union showed that until 2020 the need for solar installers around the world will increase by 34%.

In Germany at this stage, there are about 83,000 specialists in solar energy. The federal union of solar industry institutions conducted a study according to which, by 2020, the total number of solar installers in the country will increase by exactly 2 times.

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The training course of the company “Energy of Nature – Green Tariff” is aimed at mastering practical skills with theoretical support. The program of the course involves 7 hours of theoretical preparation and 9 hours of practical training. This approach allows after the end of the course to get a complete set of knowledge and skills of a specialist in the field of solar energy, able to begin to fulfill their direct duties immediately. Additional training after completing the course is not required.

After passing the Training program, the specialist will master the following skills:

  • determination of differences in types of energy;
  • determination of energy parameters;
  • create a characteristic of alternative energy systems;
  • indicate the processes occurring during the generation of electricity;
  • place the equipment in the correct way that is used to generate electricity through the use of solar energy;
  • carry out planning of the necessary scope of work regarding the equipment, installation and installation of special equipment;
  • to carry out competent and professional selection of equipment for a solar power station;
  • carry out monitoring of work regarding installation;
  • use technical documentation and instructions on the operational characteristics of the equipment;
  • carry out the selection of installations and devices for a solar power station;
  • perform installation work;
  • give an expert assessment regarding the quality of installation work and the possible elimination of defects;
  • monitor the functioning of the devices and equipment of the solar power station;
  • carry out technical inspection in order to provide services for the maintenance and repair of equipment and systems in general;
  • use special tools in the installation process;
  • make calculations of the cost of material and installation;
  • use various modern devices and computer equipment for the purpose of professional work;
  • interact in the process, both with Ukrainian companies and with foreign partners;
  • adhere to established sanitary standards and safety precautions when carrying out installation work;
  • to organize the workplace as ergonomically as possible;
  • to realize their knowledge as a private entrepreneur.

Features of the profession solar installer

The development of this specialty makes it possible to be realized from a professional point of view in the following organizations:

  • companies whose main activity is the creation and implementation of support for the effectiveness of networks, enterprises and facilities;
  • companies that are engaged in the installation or manufacture of photovoltaic panels;
  • directly at solar power plants;
  • companies engaged in the design and installation work to order;
  • foreign companies operating in the field of solar energy, both in Ukraine and in other countries.

Prospects for the solar energy market in our country

In a flow year, according to the announcements, the construction of some large solar power plants in Ukraine will be completed.

It is important to note that the installation of these facilities is financed by companies from Canada, Lithuania, India, Slovenia and China.

It should also be noted that Oschadbank will direct more than 27 million euros for the implementation of projects for the construction of SES, the total capacity of which will be about 35 megawatts. These facilities are located in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

A station with a capacity of 1 megawatt will be launched in Chernobyl. Enerparc AG and Rodina Energy Group Ltd. undertook the project.

Active work is underway on a project called Chornobyl Solar. This initiative involves the construction of an exclusion zone by solar stations. For the tender there is a struggle among companies from different countries.

Experts in the field of alternative energy are confident that Ukraine cannot turn off the path that it has chosen, having undertaken a number of obligations to the world community.

“Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2035” regulates the increase in the share of renewable energy by 20 percent. By 2020, indicators should increase to 11 percent in the country’s total energy balance.

Accordingly, the current “green” tariff will be saved.

In matters of investment attractiveness, solar energy occupies a leading position. One indisputable advantage among others is the mobility of facilities. That is, the solar station can be easily dismantled and transported to another place. Dismantling and installation in a new place will not take so much time and from a financial point of view is not a huge loss.

It is expected that during the current and next year, new solar stations will be included in the work, and in quite a large number. The fact is that stations that will work after 2019 will have a “green” tariff 10 percent lower than those that manage to connect up to this point.

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According to experts, this year about 400 megawatts of power from the solar power station should be installed and connected to the network. These indicators will expand the solar energy market in Ukraine by 57 percent.

The solar energy market of our country at this stage is distinguished by a number of continuous changes.
Alternative energy experts predict, along with the construction of new solar stations, the emergence of previously unpopular niches in the energy market. An example of such a niche can be the service of solar stations. As an area for entrepreneurial activity, which is also undeveloped, service promises an unprecedented rise for new organizations that provide the services of skilled workers.

It should be noted that the probability of transition to direct contracts in Ukraine is quite high. This interaction practice implies that the consumer will conclude an agreement for the supply of electricity directly with the producer. In addition, consumers will have the opportunity to choose a manufacturer according to many criteria, including the cost of electricity.

All the prerequisites lead to the fact that Ukraine has a real chance to reach a new economic level by reforming the energy market. The legislative framework in matters of solar energy at this stage is imperfect, but work in this direction is more than active.

Training Course – part 1. Solar Energy – Solar panels. Varieties. Their features and properties.

You are free to use these materials for educational purpose.

In the pursuit of maximum efficiency, as well as maximum power per dollar value, solar panel manufacturers from around the world are constantly improving their products and looking for ways to even more efficiently convert sunlight into electricity. Thus, there are currently seven main types of solar panels that are the most popular and widely used:

  • single crystal;
  • multi crystal;
  • polycrystalline;
  • thin-film;
  • of amorphous silicon;
  • based on cadmium telluride;
  • based on CIGS.

Monocrystalline solar panels

Monocrystalline solar panels are the most popular and widely used in the world. Their production process begins with the casting of a cylinder with a diameter of 13-20 cm and a length of up to 200 cm from high-purity silicon. After it hardens, the cylinder is cut into sheets with a thickness of 250-300 micrometers. A feature of this method is a solid crystal lattice, which improves the mobility of electrons and allows to achieve an efficiency of 23.5%, which is more than analogues.

In a solar cell, a sheet of silicon is pierced with electrodes and closed with shockproof glass. They can be identified by the dark blue or black color of the photocells.

Features of single-crystal panels:

  • High efficiency (14-23.5% in the finished battery depending on the manufacturer and quality, record 43.6%);
  • Durability (up to 50 years);
  • High price (one of the lowest watts / dollar).

The disadvantage of single-crystal panels is also the shape of the photocells in the form of polygons, which are very difficult to effectively fill the area, which reduces the power level per square meter.

Multi crystal solar panels

Cheaper and easier to manufacture are multi-crystal solar panels. In them, the role of photocells is played by randomly collected sheets of crystals with different crystal lattices. This leads to a drop in efficiency of up to 15%, but significantly reduces the cost of panel production and increases the capacity per dollar spent.

Features of multi-crystal panels:

  • Relatively low cost of production;
  • High power per dollar;
  • Efficiency reduction (Max. 15%);
  • Service life is 25 years.

Polycrystalline solar panels

A more effective analogue of single-crystal panels are polycrystalline. They use aggregate crystals with crystal lattices of different shapes and orientations. Use of this technology allows to reach indicators very close to single-crystal panels. You can identify a polycrystalline solar cell by the bright blue color of the photocells.

Features of polycrystalline panels:

  • High efficiency (up to 18%);
  • High power per dollar;
  • Low efficiency in the shade and sensitivity to the angle of incidence of sunlight;
  • Relatively short service life (10 years).

Thin-film solar panels

The efficiency of thin-film solar panels is much lower than that of analogues. Such panels of the second generation have this figure at 8-12% depending on the manufacturer. But thin film solar panels have some undeniable advantages. First, they are made of ultra-thin sheets of silicon only a few microns thick on a very thin glass or metal base. Their production is much less expensive than that of single-crystal panels, which makes them one of the best in terms of power per dollar.

Second, thin-film solar panels produce energy much better than their counterparts from reflected light, in the shade, in cloudy weather, and in the evening when the sun’s rays fall at an unfavorable angle. This is what has made thin-film solar panels one of the most popular solutions for regions with few sunny days.

Features of thin-film panels:

  • Low price;
  • One of the highest power per dollar;
  • Work in the shade, with reflected light and at unfavorable angles of incidence of sunlight;
  • Low efficiency, which requires the installation of more panels.

Solar panels made of amorphous silicon

Amorphous silicon due to the peculiarities of the structure does not allow to achieve a high level of efficiency. Such solar panels have this figure at the level of 6-8%, but they have a very low cost and one of the highest power indicators per dollar value. They are also called first-generation thin-film solar panels.

Features of amorphous silicon panels:

  • Produce the cheapest electricity, high power per dollar value;
  • Low efficiency 6-8%.
  • Work in the shade, with reflected light and at unfavorable angles of incidence of sunlight.

Solar panels based on cadmium telluride

The production process of CdTe solar panels is similar to film. The semiconductor has a thickness of several hundred micrometers and is also applied to a solid substrate. Such panels are relatively cheap, especially compared to single crystal. Their disadvantage is the relatively low efficiency of 11%.

Features of solar panels based on cadmium telluride:

  • Low cost;
  • Efficiency at the level of 11%;
  • Work in the shade, with reflected light and at unfavorable angles of incidence of sunlight.

Solar panels based on CIGS

The use of semiconductors based on copper, indium, gallium and selenium allowed to increase the efficiency to 15%. These panels are also made of film technology, which significantly reduces their cost and gives advantages when working in the shade or in cloudy weather.

Features of panels based on CIGS:

  • Work in the shade, with reflected light and at unfavorable angles of incidence of sunlight;
  • More efficiency up to 15%.


Solar panels of the above types cover different needs. For example, single crystals are best suited in situations where it is necessary to achieve maximum power with a minimum mass and area of ​​the solar panel. Namely in the space industry, although they also continue to be used in certain situations.

Polycrystalline solar panels will be the most optimal farms because of their price. But it is important to set them correctly at the right angle to the horizon, and without objects around that can obscure the photocells.

For other situations, thin-film solar panels that do not require ideal conditions for maximum efficiency are recommended.

Green energy can rebuild global economy after Covid-19 by adding $ 100 trillion to it

Increasing investment can boost global GDP growth by 2050, while reducing the risk of climate change.

According to the report, green energy is able to bring nearly $ 100 trillion into the world economy between 2020 and 2050. Earnings per dollar of investment can be as high as $ 8.
The International Renewable Energy Agency has found that increasing investment in green energy will provide major economic benefits and will reduce the pace of climate change.

The agency’s director-general, Francesco La Camera, of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak has identified “vulnerabilities in the current system” and has forced governments in different countries to invest in renewable energy to relaunch economic growth and make some progress in the climate sector.

According to the agency’s report, increasing investment in green energy will help (temporarily) hold the climate crisis, and most importantly, it will pay off completely.

Investing in renewable energy will bring $ 98 trillion in global GDP by 2050. The return on investment will be in the range of $ 3-8 per dollar of investment.

Businessman Hold to Fix Statistic. Green 3D Statistic Hit by Virus. Coronavirus Destroy Economic Concept.

The number of jobs in the sector will also increase fourfold to 42 million. As well as over the next 30 years, this will help raise overall health and well-being.

“The authorities of the countries must fulfill the difficult task of keeping the health sector under control and at the same time provide strong incentives for recovery,” La Camera said. “By accelerating the development of green energy and making changes in the energy sector, the power of countries can achieve many economic and social goals in pursuit of a cheerful future where there is no one left behind.”

The report also states that the expansion of renewable energy will help reduce global warming by reducing industrial carbon dioxide emissions by 70% by 2050 and replacing fossil fuels.

Renewable energy can play a very important role in actually reducing emissions by zero in the transport and heavy industries by 2050. Especially given the investment in green hydrogen.

Clean, non-emission combustion fuels, which can replace fossil fuels in the steel and cement industries, can be generated by clean electricity that will divide water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Andrew Steir, chairman of the World Resources Institute, said: “While the world is looking for a way to recover from the current health and economic crisis, we have a choice: a modern, clean, healthy energy system, or old-fashioned pollution all around. We have to choose the first option.”

The call for a green economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis was particularly drawn after the warning by Dr. Fatih Byrol, chairman of the International Energy Agency, who said that the authorities of world countries should not relax and stop green energy investments and changes in the energy sector.

“We must not stop the transition to clean energy because of the crisis,” he said. “We have an extremely important window of opportunity.”

Ignatius Galan, chairman of Spanish renewable energy giant Iberdrola, which also owns Scottish Power, said the company will continue to invest billions in renewable energy as well as in grids and batteries to help integrate clean energy into the overall grid.

“Green recovery is the main solution to the Covid-19 crisis. The world is benefiting economically, environmentally and socially by focusing on clean energy, ”he said. “Alignment of economic incentives and climate policy is key in the long term and the cornerstone of a healthy economy.”

AUKW GAIA-ROSCH – Another failed attempt to find “free energy”

Apparently since the invention of the power generator, mankind has been trying to find “free energy”. Not the energy of the sun, wind, water, and earth that actually just needs to be “taken”. They want the energy that comes from nowhere. Which needs nothing but building a “generator” (just like solar panels and wind turbines).

Magnetic wheels, generators connected to electric motors, and all sorts of space energy captures. All of these devices have long been in the minds of conspiracy theorists who believe that oil, coal, and alternative energy magnates are simply seeking out and eliminating the authors of such inventions. But no one searches for them or stops them. They have every opportunity to prove that their inventions work. The only problem is that none of the inventors of “free energy” uses their own invention to provide electricity to their homes. Because their inventions just don’t work.

And they could be ignored. Until they started trying to make money from trusting people.

AUKW or Auftriebskraftwerk

This device was invented by “specialists” of the Swiss company GAIA-ROSCH. Its principle of work is to use the law of Archimedes, according to which the force acting on the body immersed in water is equal to the mass of the displaced water, multiplied by the acceleration of free fall. The cylinder is used as a body inside of a water-filled tank. The water-filled cylinder has excellent buoyancy and sinks down to the bottom of the tank. At the bottom it is filled with air, displacing water from the cylinder. Now the floating cylinder quickly rises up where it releases all the air and sinks again. All you have to do is increase the number of cylinders, connect them to the carousel by means of a chain and connect to the generator.

A completely different matter is the supply of air into the cylinders at the bottom of the tank. The compressor must be powerful enough to withstand the Archimedes force, since the air supplied obviously displaces the water. But this is not the main problem. It is precisely the law of mating vessels and the pressure that is created at the bottom of such a reservoir. In fact, the compressor must be of sufficient capacity to compress the air to the pressure at the bottom of the tank.

AUKW or Auftriebskraftwerk mathematical model

To do this, a 2000W compressor must compress air to 8 atmospheres. A typical industrial compressor typically catches up to 8 atmospheres at 50 l for 150 sec. And in a cylinder of 1000 liters, it will take 3000 seconds, respectively. This will result in a waste of 1667 W * h. That is, just over 13% will return from the consumed electricity. In doing so, we neglected the fluid resistance and the mass of the cylinder. In addition, the pressure in the receiver is kept from zero, and in this case it is always 8 atm, which will greatly reduce the performance of the compressor.


It will be a miracle to return at least 10% of energy consumed.

Would such a device make sense if it worked?

If Auftriebskraftwerk worked, it could deliver steadily up to 5 kW, occupying up to 10 square meters of space. It would be completely safe and environmentally friendly. But not suitable for use in seismic regions. And also, very noisy due to the compressor, which by the way is not very reliable and will require repair or replacement almost every quarter.

At the same time, wind turbines take up the same space and are much more reliable. Wind turbines have been operating for decades. And they are not compared to any of the compressors with their several thousand hours of work life.

Even if Auftriebskraftwerk worked, it would prove to be the least reliable source of electricity.

On the other hand, the market already has a source of silent, very reliable and free energy. This generator should only be installed and forgotten. And thousands of Ukrainians are already using it. This generator is called a small solar power plant or a wind power plant.

Free energy for every home – SAV magnetic generators

To have a reliable free energy source is a long-standing dream of mankind. Currently, we generate electricity mainly by burning fossil fuels, causing atoms to decay and turning rivers into huge reservoirs. This activity is obviously harmful to the environment and the amount of electricity generated is still insufficient. Construction of wind and solar power plants does not solve the problem either.

A source of energy that we know well

ISAV magnetic generator
ISAV magnetic generator

It was the development of a new generation of energy that became the goal of the Infinity SAV team, a Korean company that specializes in the development of energy efficient equipment and generators. The company produces hybrid air conditioners, water distillers, boilers. But the company’s most revolutionary invention is a magnetic generator capable of providing an entire house with 24/365 electricity.

Super simple concept of an infinite power
Super simple concept of an infinite power

The principle of operation of an Infinity SAV or shortly ISAV magnetic generator is very simple. Its stator consists of flat coils. And the rotor of a neodymium magnet with a powerful magnetic field. It is only necessary to start rotating the rotor and such a design makes it rotate endlessly with no energy source needed.

All you have to do is connect the rotor shaft to the generator and you will get a free source of energy for your home that does not need to be refilled and which does no harm to the environment. According to the inventor, the rotor will keep the speed endlessly, even with the maximum power consumption.

Better than solar panels

In-company tests have proven the effectiveness of the ISAV magnetic generator. With dimensions equivalent to a 1.5 kW diesel generator, the development of a Korean company produced 10 kW of power. Its noise level was very low and its emission was zero. ISAV even compared the performance of its own generators and solar panels. According to them, a 10 kW magnetic generator is 10 times more efficient than a solar power plant of 10 kW. The price is also the same – $15,000. But the bottom line is that the solar power plant of 10 kW produces just over 10,000 kWh per year, and the magnetic generators – 0 kWh. It products nothing.

Is solar power that bad?
Is solar power that bad?

It is just a generator that consumes nothing and takes energy from somewhere we don’t know. The magnetic “generator” only needs to be brought to the required rpm by an ordinary electric engine, and then the same engine become a generator. And here we got an eternal engine that contradicts the basic law of the universe – nothing desapears nowhere, nothing appears out of nowhere.

As ISAV wrote, their miracle machine will generate enough electricity to return $15,000 in 1.5 years. 60% annual profit! At the same time, it loses only 1% of capacity per year and is able to last more than 20 years with regular maintenance. And it does not consume fuel, does not require you to buy uranium rods through the darknet, pedaling, and does not even need a special antenna to collect space energy.

Super income of ISAV magnetic generators
Super income of ISAV magnetic generators

A generator that should rotate forever

Looking at the design of the ISAV magnetic generator, each of our readers can easily guess in it the usual underdeveloped DC motor. Or a generator if you look from the other side. The same concept with magnet and coils respectively. That is, according to ISAV’ words, we have to buy it for $15,000 and have a generator, that by a miracle has to spin itself.

Аdd the absolute absence of open tests of the device from respectable companies and laboratories. All you get is a video on which the device simply works and powers a hundred of lamps, a fan and a heater. Without any evidence or explanation. It is a pity that only music sounds on the video, as some of the viewers have aptly noted in the comments that the diesel generator behind the camera would otherwise be heard.

Is energy really free?

The answer to this question is quite simple – there is free energy. You don’t pay for the sun shining and the wind blowing. So consume all the information with a pinch of skepticism and install solar panels.

Uninterruptable wind-solar power plant was developed in Latvia

The disadvantage of solar and wind power is instability. The sun does not shine for 24 hours, and the wind can completely stop for several days. At the same time, homes and businesses are consuming electricity 24h/7d. And to provide them with electricity can only fuel, nuclear and hydro. But is it really true?

Combining well known technologies

A group of experts from Latvia has proven that the combination of two unstable sources of electricity, as well as the use of waste-free energy storage allows to obtain a power plant that is not inferior to nuclear and hydroelectric power plants.

The main objective of the new project is a low-cost, environmentally friendly power plant that requires minimal maintenance and produces no waste. First of all, high efficiency solar panels and wind turbines were combined with aerodynamic lenses.

Modern solar panels have high efficiency, and most importantly – the long life span. That is, it will take decades before you need to replace your solar panel. High-efficiency solar technology is not new, especially given that even budgetary options confidently storm the psychological bar at 20% efficiency. At the same time, the panel time for the space industry confidently go up to 50% and above.

With those little lenses the angle of attack doesn’t matter.

The second component that generates electricity is wind generators with air lenses. Their feature is that the air lens directs the flow at the blade, and also concentrates and accelerates it. In this way, the wind turbine operates as efficiently as possible and receives sufficient airflow even in low winds.

Peak use compensation

To reduce peak electricity consumption, the new system plans to use supercapacitors, which are already used in different industries for exactly the same task. Therefore, power plant equipment with supercapacitors is not new to the industry.

Electricity accumulation

But in order to save the day or in the strong wind, it was suggested to use a slightly different battery technology. Namely – super flywheels. Such a device is a simple drum rotated in a vacuum on magnetic suspension and used to accumulate kinetic energy, which is then used as needed through a shaft or converted to electricity by a generator. The efficiency of the flywheel is 98%. The losses are minimal.

Super flywheel

The disadvantage of the flywheel is the gyroscopic effect that occurs when the drum is accelerated to very high speeds. That is, transportation of a “charged” super flywheel is problematic. But unlike a battery, the super flywheel has no limited life span and does not require regular replacement. A special impetus for the super flywheels is the availability of modern, more durable composite materials and ultra-high precision manufacturing. Thus, at lower volume, the drum can be accelerated to higher speeds.


It is still too early to judge the development and implementation of the project, as the uninterrupted wind and solar installation is still under development. It is too early to judge its efficiency, though developers say that one such power plant will be capable of delivering capacity of up to 1000 MW. Therefore, you should wait for the construction of a working prototype and test results.

But it is well known that the main advantage of an uninterrupted wind-solar power plant is the almost complete absence of waste, minimal staffing and low cost. But at the same time, it has competitors that are already well entrenched in the market, in the form of traditional wind and solar power plants that use batteries to accumulate energy. Another competitor is the project of a power plant that uses artificial reservoirs as an energy storage device by pumping up the water using excess capacity. Both projects do not yet have real working models.

Revolutionary Ukrainian solar panel mounts by RS-Project.org

The most popular on the market at the moment are steel and aluminum mounts for solar panels. The main reason for choosing such fasteners is durability and the illusion of reliability. If metallic, it will last much longer than any other material, they say. But the reality is a bit different from this perception.

Steel and aluminum mounts of solar panels are exposed to temperature fluctuations and corrosion. They expand under the influence of heat and contract in cold weather. They also increase the chance of lightning to strike solar panels, which is likely to disable the entire battery. Particularly vulnerable metal structures near the sea. The sea breeze greatly accelerates corrosion processes.

Of course, metal mounts can be protected by paint or a special coating, which reduces their heat in the sun and prevents corrosion. They can also be covered with a dielectric material. But this greatly increases the cost of construction.

Polymeric mounts for solar panels

Today, there are plenty of materials that are as strong as steel or aluminum and are extremely durable. These materials are polyamides, poly-carbonates, polypropylene and polyacetal. These materials are not weaker than metals in their properties, but have many times longer life, lower mass and are dielectrics. And composite materials deserve special attention in this segment.

Mounts for solar panels from composite materials

Reliable, durable, lightweight and inexpensive composite fasteners were developed by the Ukrainian company LLC RS-PROJECTS. The fastenings consist of a composite of polyacetal with the addition of sand and aluminum shavings, as well as the addition of secondary raw materials. Such material has high hardness, absolutely not subject to corrosion and influence of temperature differences. It is not in need of dielectric protection. More details at https://rs-project.org

The advantage of RS fasteners is their ease and ease of installation. Drilling is kept to a minimum, as is the use of bolted connections. Such structures do not require welding, like some metal ones. All you need to do is to fix the base on the roof, and then install solar panels on them and hold them in place. This design can be easily expanded or dismantled as needed.

Extremely easy to install

Despite its lightness, the composite material is well protected from any kind of damage. It is difficult to cut with a hand-held tool that protects panels from theft.

What is Composite Profile and Fastening for?

The use of composite polymeric materials is very common and is not limited to solar plants on the roofs of private homes. Profile structures of composite polymer are excellent in the installation of solar plants not land, as well as the installation of sheds over parking lots, the construction of roofs of commercial and residential buildings, the assembly of various sandwich panels, erected arbors and the construction of fast-mounted structures of various purposes.

Summing it up

Composite polyacetal with impurities of sand and aluminum shavings is the material of the future with the following advantages:

  • High strength on a level with steel.
  • The weight of the profile and fastenings is 2 times less, which significantly speeds up mounting and reduces the cost of both transportation and installation.
  • The material is not subject to corrosion, temperature. Is a dielectric.
  • Easy to paint.
  • The material is suitable for delivery for processing.
  • Made in Ukraine.

The availability of such material calls into question the need for heavy and expensive steel or aluminum. After all, there is a material that is ahead of metals in almost all indicators.

RS-mounts for solar panels on the roof.

Why is the Solar Road a Fail?

Sunny roads

For solar roads, it is first of all worth mentioning that the owner of a home SES is struggling for every watt of power. It makes a variable slope design, follows the neighbor’s trees better than the neighbor itself, and blows every leaf out of the tables. But France decided otherwise. $ 5.2 million was just buried for an unprecedented experiment that just couldn’t be successful.

Why did the French Solar Road fail?

Expected 150 kilowatts a year – received 80.

When the world’s first solar road was opened, it was claimed that it would generate 150 kilowatt hours of electricity per year and provide 5,000 homes with light. But something went wrong. According to Business Insider, production did not reach 80 kilowatt hours in 2018. And by mid-2019, less than 40 kilowatt hours had been produced. What is the reason? Most likely, Normandy was chosen for the construction of the road. Yes, it is Normandy. And the fact that this is the northernmost region of France did not upset anyone, especially given that the average in the region is only 44 sunny days per year. And also often thunderstorms are dangerous for electrical equipment.

The least possible efficiency.

The area of ​​the solar road is 2,700 square meters. With the rational use of solar panels, the same 150 kW can be easily obtained from 1000 square meters, paying for it 200 thousand dollars. In case you ordered a gold-plated inverter. That is, the difference is 2700 and 1000 square meters, and 5.2 million and 0.2 million. Although it should not be forgotten that the road itself is not cheap asphalt is also cheap. 1 km of high-quality roads can cost the same 5.2 million. But this road will be slightly wider than the sunny 2.7 meters.

Another nuance was the leaves. It turns out that the engineers simply did not know that in the fall of trees falling leaves, which covers the sunlight.

What? They will ride on it?

In three years the road was partially destroyed. The culprits of the tragedy were called local tractor operators. It is as though tractor tractors, because of their shape, have simply destroyed solar panels built into the road. The safety glass did not withstand the load and cracks. Thus, we can conclude that the sunny road is only for selected owners of cars without winter tires. In addition, the glass with a rubberized surface has less transparency, it is easily polluted, covered with scratches and microcracks.

Still, the road has to be expensive. It must be convenient for transport, safe and durable. The asphalt road is not afraid of tractors. But if there is a strong desire to use the area of ​​the road to generate electricity, then solar panels can be placed above the road.

Better concept of a solar road

There are still plenty of roofs in the world

Alternative energy should be synonymous with efficiency. The sun and wind resist the atom, coal and the abuse of water. And to overcome this confrontation it is necessary to prove the advantage in efficiency. Therefore, do not hide solar panels on the roads. After all, there are still enough roofs and areas without green space.

There are a plenty of space to put solar pane on
Even more space
And even more space.

How to lift solar panels to the roof?

A solar panel measuring 2X1 meters weighs about 20 kg and costs within 3-4 thousand hryvnias. The process of installation of such panels involves the lifting of several centners on the roof of the house. Moreover, they should be lifted gently to avoid scratches and bumps, and in their dimensions this becomes an easy task.

Ways to raise the solar panels to height:

1. Lifting manually on hanging cables

Just tying the solar panel with a rope and lifting it up is the easiest option. But it works before the first gust of wind that will stick the sun into the wall of the building. In addition, workers should be constantly on the edge of the roof, which increases the risk of falling. Falling from the roof is unpleasant even with insurance.

Pocket for solar panels
Lifting in a special pocket in the safest way

2. Lifting up an inclined ladder

Most panel crews now use folding ladders as rails for lifting solar panels. The solar panel is simply attached to the bar with cutouts under the side poles. So you can quickly and safely lift the solar panels even a large area in height. The costs will be minimal and the security level quite high. Of course, such a fixture will not hold the solar panel with a sharp strong gust of wind, but mounting something on the roof in windy weather is generally a bad idea.

You can make solar panel lift yourself
Ropes and electric wench – fast and easy

A ladder that is suitable for a similar purpose costs 3000-4000 UAH. But to make the process even cheaper, you can use wooden beams, metal rails or pipes instead of a ladder. It is only necessary that they are of sufficient length and can withstand 10-20 kg load. In addition, if the slope is sufficient, the rail pressure will be less. Design for lifting solar panels can cost up to 500 UAH. Instead of rails, you can even use two tensioned cables. Just a good quality paracord will fit. The main thing is that you have a separate exit to the roof.

3. Crane or tow truck

Renting a crane for 3-4 hours will cost from 3000 UAH. A crane can only be needed if a large number of solar panels are to be raised simultaneously on a flat roof. For example, if you are going to cover the roof of a hypermarket with solar panels. Then its load capacity will be useful. In other cases, it is a waste of money.

Lifting solar panels via crane
Pretty expensive. Unless you have your own one. Or your neighbor does.

4. Inclined lifts

If you install more than one dozen or not hundreds of Solar Power Plants on the roof, then inclined lifts is the best option. For example, an inclined GEDA lift with a maximum length of 13.5 meters can lift up to 150 kg of payload to the height of the fourth floor. That is, it is suitable not only for solar panels, but also for lifting various building materials. And also for lifting the workers themselves. In addition, it has a special mount for solar panels. Such a lift can be rented, though you will have to search.

The best way for lifting a lot of solar panels
Inclined ladder lifts – fast, safe and effective


Now the ladder is the cheapest, most versatile and efficient method of lifting solar panels up. Especially if the house is not higher than 3 floors and it is not necessary to raise much. The ladder is also an option for independent installation of solar panels at low altitude. But keep in mind that there are more convenient quick and safe lifting methods. In addition, the Green Tariff has actually created a market for private solar in Ukraine. And the amount of work for installation teams will only grow, as will the volume of the average project.