Головна Автори Інформація по Куц Тина

Куц Тина

More than 200 private SES work for the welfare of Ukrainian families from the beginning of the year


Alternative energy is rapidly gaining momentum not only in terms of modern cities, but also in the realities of villages and households in particular. The first quarter of this year was marked by the emergence of more than two hundred new solar power plants in private consumption. Their total capacity amounted to 3.4 megawatts.

Experts say that the number of private SES each month of 2017 has been growing steadily for a number of obvious reasons.

First, the spring-summer period is the most favorable for “green” energy, because the amount of solar radiation at this times the maximum. Second, Ukrainians are estimated in practice the advantages of using alternative energy sources and have taught countrymen that the payback period of the installations is quite small. Thirdly, Government policy in respect of “green” energy is very loyal and aims to promote its development and dissemination.

According to the estimates of Saee, since the beginning of this year, the share of SES in private consumption increased by 18 percent. The total capacity of private solar power plants increased by almost 20 percent.

Introduced in 2015 “green” tariff significantly activates citizens. Produced in excess energy, the owners of the SPP can sell to the grid. And since “green” tariff in our country is tied to the Euro, this business gives good income to the family. Thanks to the Law of Ukraine 2015, Ukrainians can sell electricity from private solar power plants at 18.09 cents per 1 kWh.

Experts note that the demand for “green” energy is actively increased with the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the bill. Statistics show that every quarter after the Law was characterized by the growth of demand by 30-40 percent. Some periods are marked up to 70 %. The specialists of the Saee say that at the moment in Ukraine about 1,300 households have private solar power plant. These Ukrainian families not only provide its own energy needs due to its natural source and and make the implementation redundant energy.

One of the higher educational institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk will get the heat from waste water


Ivano-Frankivsk dynamically increases the number of installations, which operate through renewable sources. Recently, the administration of one of the universities (IFNTUOG) reported that the school was equipped with a heat pump. The power plant is 100 kilowatts. The University representatives also said the community of its intention to use for heating one of the buildings waste water.

According to the rector of a higher educational institution, the opportunity to implement the project will be subject to the connection manifold. Powerful manifold is located on Quay Street, so now we are working on connecting the University to him.

The head of the University Eustachy Kryzhanovsky notes that the idea of using wastewater as a heat source arose after reading the experience of some European countries.


In many countries heat pumps installed in conjunction with the wastewater treatment system. As the temperature of a “waste” of water is often higher than 20-25 degrees, the functional tandem with a heat pump is more than appropriate.

During the replacement of sewer pipes in the University, an attempt was made connecting to the power collector. The company is engaged in the repair, protested this. According to representatives of the construction companies laid employees of the University of the tube, which was supposed to take the heat interfere with the movement of wastewater. Then attempts to bring the idea to life have been discontinued.

This incident did not stop the desire of school administrators to introduce innovative technologies. To demonstrate the effectiveness of wastewater in the heat was convened special meeting. At this event were invited representatives of the “Odakotarose”. The purpose of the meeting was to join forces and connecting the University to the desired source of energy..

Eustachy Kryzhanovsky emphasizes on the fact that the heat pump can extract heat not only from sewage, but also from the ground. But in this case, significantly increase costs. In order that the pump was able to have 100 kW of heat energy, it has to be done not less than 20 cubic meters of water. This requires considerable financial resources.

The University administration is now in active search of the investor for the realization of the intent.

The rector of IFNTUOG reports that to date, negotiations with a company from Sweden. It is possible that the project will take place in the near future.

Pridneprovskaya thermal power plant may in the future be transform into a powerful SES


Ecologists Dnipropetrovsk region are sounding the alarm about the consequences of the functioning of the Dnieper TPP. Scientists insist that the existing thermal power station was close and in its place built a solar power plant. The Chairman of the ecological Council of the city of the Dnieper Angrezi Alex notes that the Dnieper TPP poses a real danger to the environment within the region. Now, near the plant showed a significant excess of the permissible amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Ecologists from the regional Council appealed to the mayor with a request to close the Prydniprovs’ka thermal power station and construct in its place an alternative power plant.

In addition to the city hall of ecologists sent a letter to the Cabinet, but in the answer received formal uninformative instruction, testifies to the indifference to this problem and the reluctance to solve it.

Mr. Angulate at this stage intends to launch the initiative to hold meetings of the National ecological Council of Ukraine. This event is intend to bring the authorities to the problem of environmental pollution in coal thermal power plant and to find a viable solution to this situation in the near future. Ecologists argue that the negative effects of the functioning of the Prydniprovska TPP, it is possible to get rid of for 7-8 years. There are two ways of solving this issue:

1) bring the plant to a level that complies with national environmental standards;

2) development of solar power.

The second option will help to create additional jobs for local residents, and can provide heat for about 15-20% of the population of the left Bank of the Dnieper river.



The total cost of the project for the construction of the new SES is estimate at one million dollars per megawatt of capacity. Given the fact that the Dnieper thermal power plant has a capacity of more than 1,700 megawatts of solar power station construction will require considerable financial expenses. Experts estimate that the payback period is around 5-6 years.

Now, the leadership of the Dnieper TPP notes that a private Finance company for the reconstruction of the power plant.

Solar and wind energy: an effective tandem


It is considered that wind farms are somehow competing with the sun. According to the leading expert of the National laboratories under the Department of the United States Sarah Kurtz, data, renewable energy is the best complement each other and show significantly better results, provided they are sharing.

For comparison, in the state of Colorado are the climatic conditions that are most productive wind farms operate in the winter-spring period. In winter, solar radiation provides the necessary amount of electricity, so the use of wind farms helps to ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity to the consumer.

Australia also has a wonderful mix of wind and solar plants in the whole energy supply system. Investment in installation of solar panels was approximately $ 10 million. The total SPP capacity is 10 MW. As a subsidiary of wind power has installed more than 70 high-speed turbines. At the moment, the hybrid station is already supplying electricity on the network. The Director of the Agency, which specializiruetsya on alternative energy, from Australia Ivor, RiskNet notes that the combination of solar and wind installations shows better performance compared to their individual application. Besides, such organization of the production of electricity from renewable sources saves during the construction period on the network connection and permits and official documentation.

Experts say that in the case of the establishment of the SES close to a working wind farm will save approximately 6 000 000$.





The big advantage of the combined method of production of electricity is its usefulness as for large scale production and for small. Specialists of alternative energy argue that such an approach will help to significantly increase the volume of electricity production with the installation of the SES small size for already commissioned wind parks.

The efficiency of combined generation of electricity has been proven empirically due to the studies. Financing this research work was carried out by the Australian company “ARENA”. The study not only confirmed the improving performance of production, but also the possibility of installing SES on the existing Australian wind Park. The total capacity of solar power plants could reach approximately 1 gigawatt. This electricity is enough to meet the needs of 700 thousand private houses.

Significant savings of combined power plants is also reducing the financial costs of life during the transition to alternative energy sources or in a closed Autonomous networks. The combination of solar power with wind makes the production competitive and reduces the payback period of such a project.

European trend: the decline in the coal-fired power plants


Experts in the field of alternative energy world-level report that by 2023, the energy of France will be able to productive function without coal power plants. The French initiative taken up by countries such as Canada and Finland. In General, in many countries of Europe tend to gradual abandon the power plants operating on solid fuel, to preserve the environment and reduce the cost of electricity through the introduction of alternative power.

Recently the world’s news sources reported that Canada plans to abandon coal-fired capacity by 2030. It is important to note that Canada is one of the world leaders (occupies 5-e a place) for the production of natural gas, oil products and coal. This country is also famous for the production of energy resources and uranium ores. Alberta in Canada is one of the largest coal-mining industries. More than 45% of the territory of the province produce coal. Failure by Canada of coal-fired power plants will not affect the conduct of work in the province, because the production and export of coal not be stop.

koiyyedCanada must translate more than 20 coal-fired plants to other fuel or even close them. Instead of closing the coal-fired power plants, provinces were offer the alternative of innovation.

It consists in using a special technology, which helps to bind carbon dioxide in a solid mineral compound. Reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the main purpose of the rejection of coal power plants.

To the countries-innovators joined by Finland. Here was developed and adopted climate and energy strategy, according to which the country should eliminate the use of coal-fired capacity by 2030. Finland over the past years actively funded by alternative energy, so the amount of electricity produced using coal, began to significantly decline from 2010.

Actively developing their strategy for the abandonment of coal plants to countries such as the Netherlands, UK, Denmark and Austria.

lij86dtcfCurrently, the introduction of such changes being question in connection with the political course of Donald trump, the President of the United States of America. Politics trump may lead to non-compliance with the Paris climate agreements by the US and the gradual reduction of investment in research activities.

Charge your mobile device in just a few seconds with innovative supercapacitor


A team of inventors from the University of Central Florida have created a new supercapacitor, which has a flexible structure. This device is able to accumulate a significantly larger amount of energy compared to similar devices. An important quality feature of a supercapacitor is that it is able to undergo the recharging process about thirty thousand times without reducing performance.

9b276f5c2684e2b5c17c5745b0314659The invention of scientists may lead to a technological revolution in the field of mobile development and production of electric cars.

A representative of the University Nitin Choudhary claims that in the case of replacement of traditional batteries in mobile phones for supercapacitors, the charging would occur in just a few seconds, and it would be enough for at least a week of active use.

In light of the advanced technology owners of modern gadgets are increasingly faced with the problem of very rapid discharge of their phones. A great alternative to the usual lithium-ion batteries would be the latest invention. But for this supercapacitor should substantially increase in size so he was able to hold a sufficient amount of energy.

%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%b0%d1%87%d0%b0%d0%bd%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b5-%d1%84%d0%b0%d0%b9%d0%bb%d1%8bThe basis of the supercapacitor is millions of special threads having a thickness of about one nanometer.

The surface of strands densely covered with two-dimensional materials as a protective shell. As a result of development of this design, scientists have obtained core with high conductivity, which makes possible rapid transfer of electrons. It is the high conductivity of the core provides fast charging devices from the supercapacitor. Two-dimensional materials the sheaths of the filaments significantly condense energy and increase the specific power of the device.

A characteristic of the innovative device does not change after 30,000 rarefactions and charges. For comparison, lithium-ion battery without altering the properties is able to charge a little more than a thousand times. Significantly increased lifetime of the supercapacitor makes it extremely economical and reliable. In addition, the device does not require electric current from the network, using free energy from the sun.

Construction of the new SES with a capacity of 2.8 megawatts in the Odessa region


The end of this year will be the beginning of a new solar power plant, which is located in the village of Suvorovo, Odessa region. The total capacity of new production will amount to more than 2.5 MW.

The location of the new SES was an old pasture. This area was add to the budget of the local community of less than 600 hryvnia per year.

To date, the plant took about 6 hectares, which were installed over nine thousand solar panels. The capacity of each panel, according to experts of the developer, is 235 watts.

x-vcThe Chairman of the village Council of the village of Suvorovo Ganczewski Peter notes that the new SES had a positive impact on the local budget, providing for new revenues. The main cash flow is the payment of the rent in the amount for 130 thousand hryvnias a year.

In addition to financial issues, the construction of new SES solves the problem of creating new jobs for the local population. Local residents will receive ten additional jobs for self-employment. An additional plan to hire seasonal workers to maintain order on the territory of the plant.

The project implementation will have several stages. The first stage includes:

– installation of fencing with a total length of over a kilometer;

– the creation of a road to provide access to the station;

– construction of the administrative building;

– the construction of racks for solar panels;

The second phase of the project involves installation works on installation of communications and related equipment. The last stage will be the installation of photovoltaic cells.sdfpka

The developer intends to lease an additional approximately twenty hectares of land for the installation of solar panels in the next year.

The innovator of Chernihiv region the vehicle is operating on firewood


Promotion of technological development of alternative energy provokes not only expand the scope of their use, but a handwritten counterparts to create a budget for personal use. A resident of Chernigov (village Koryukovka) own forces have created 3 cars, bike (runs on electricity), pyrolysis boilers and other such devices that receive energy from alternative sources. In this series of hand-made devices, the unique and innovative was the establishment of a gas plant that made possible the movement of the car Mercedes with the help of firewood.

Innovator Nicholas, whether on your site in addition to all the other devices mounted wind turbines, due to which provides electricity to the work lathe and tool handles of wood. Having its own workshop, the artisan created a gas plant. Thanks to her, his car uses as fuel wood. This unit is house in the trunk of a Mercedes and not create any problems while driving the vehicle.

Nicholas focuses on the fact that he invented the plant is operate with dry wood he chops to the size of the average potato, and lays directly into the device. The most suitable raw material in this process are oak, acacia and birch. Artisan says that the wood pine is not suitable for this role, as it has a lower heat transfer.

lvkdgpoefepThe principle of operation of the innovative apparatus is as follows: incorporated in the installation of raw wood is ignite and when the temperature reaches thousands of degrees Celsius, the car is ready to movement. The device is analogous to the solid fuel boiler.

“Provoked” able to reach speeds of about 70-80 km/h. Load the tank with wood to the maximum level, you can count on 50 km of trouble-free movement on ecological fuel. Besides, raw material selects the pure natural gas, which allows not worrying about the engine.

Wood fuel innovator takes and stores in the trunk in a special bag. If he for some reason forgets to bring raw materials for the car, Nikolai can “fill” your Mercedes available forest fuel, because wood can be found on either the side of the road.

Installation the gas installation of its own production of Nikolai the government has not spent a single penny – all the necessary materials were in his Studio. He made the car special pipe that brings the smoke from burning wood outside, so the interior of the Mercedes is not felt odors.

Today, Nicholas is working to create a more powerful setup. Maybe in the future his invention will be a worthy alternative to traditional fuels for fueling vehicles.

Nikopol SES – new power in Dnipropetrovsk region


In Nikopol the beginning of the construction of the power plant, generating the energy of sunlight. The project will be full commission in 2017. Nikopol SES – the second object, the implementation of which provided the investment.

cvbgffThe new production will include more than 30 thousand solar panels. Nikopol SES will be one of the most productive facilities in the region, given that each of the existing solar panels will generate 10 MW of electricity during the day.

The Chairman of regional state administration Valentyn Reznichenko argues that the economy of the region at this stage, actively growing, thus attracting foreign investors and Ukrainian businesspersons. The first object in the Dnipropetrovsk region, built on the investment funds is Podgorodnenskiy SES. The third phase of the project “Solar Park Prigorodni” was open in the production year. The total budget amounted to more than UAH 20 million, which was provide by domestic investors. At this time the construction of analog – Nikopol SES. Such items received positive feedback and gained good reputation in Europe, because solar energy is inexhaustible and environmentally friendly.

Project implementation solar power plant in Nikopol in the firm “main Group Ukraine”. For the construction of the new station bought 11 million euros of investment from France.

According to the head of Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration Valentine Reznichenko, such investment will help create jobs for the local population will significantly replenish the regional budget, will entail the regeneration of the surrounding area and will enable area residents to receive high quality power.

Part of the area of the Ferroalloy plant in Nikopol will be home to the new SES. Here for the construction of energy production is allocate about 15 hectares of land.

The Director of the contractor “Ehkotekhnik Nikopol” Zasyadvovk Yuri reports that the stage of the preparatory work is completed. All the necessary design and development are fully prepared and awaiting the commencement of construction works, which will start in mid-November. khhggg

First it is planned to mount and to fix a special stand, and then install the panels. This production will give the opportunity for significant savings (about 1 million tons of coal in one year). In addition to saving Nikopol SES will bring many benefits to the ecology of the region, greatly reducing the number of harmful emissions. The construction of the facility according to preliminary estimates will take about six months. Time frames may vary depending on weather conditions.

In the development of the region’s economy during the last 6 months has invested about $25 million Size of investment in the region amounted to more than $7 billion. About 90% of foreign investment came from Europe. Dnipropetrovsk oblast holds the first place in Ukraine by amount of investment.

Largest solar plant in the suburbs of the Dnieper


In Dnipropetrovsk region put into operation the second power plant operated by solar radiation. The regional administration focuses on the fact that in the nearest plans for development of alternative energy in the Dnipropetrovsk region is the construction of at least three similar objects.

The main purpose of introducing such innovations is rather unfavorable ecological situation. The work of one of the solar power plant significantly reduces the level of CO2 in the air (reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide into the environment per 3000 tons).

The new plant is located in the village Podgorodneye. A large number of solar panels fixed on a metal frame form the basis of the total production of electricity. Design of solar panels connected to the inverters (converters of electric current), which are arranged on an area of 4 hectares in the form of series.

pr21-01-1-270x145The Director of the plant Yuriy Gordeev says that at this stage the total capacity of the station is a little more than 1,500 kWh.

This amount is enough to fully provide electricity to several thousand homes.

The power plant able to work in all weather conditions. Rain or snow are not factors lowering productivity. The most suitable temperature is in the range from +20 to -25 degrees Celsius. Zero indicators of the production plant has only at night. Cloudy weather can also reduce productivity by approximately half.

Production capacity provide more than 6.5 thousand photovoltaic modules in the power plant. Placed the modules on special structures in the form of a table. Each of them is connected an inverter that performs several important functions:

– convert DC to AC;

– adjusting the operation of the station as a whole;

– storing the system parameters and their transmission via wireless communication channels;

The developers of the power plant project draw attention to the fact that this production was elected multifunction latest models of inverters are issued by companies from around the world.solnechnyie-batarei

Innovation, which has no analogues in Ukraine, it is the use of rotary tables-trackers work in Dnepropetrovsk solar power. Using hydraulic drive, which is regulated by a special program tables without help occupy the optimal position relative to the sun. The power plant has a total of 24 such table. The other tables have a standard configuration and are manually set at an angle. The most productive angle of the device for this region is 30 degree. Installed in this position, the tables remain the same all year round. Tables-trackers, in turn, change the angle of inclination depending on solar activity. In addition, the trackers protect themselves from hazardous weather conditions: if the wind speed exceeds 18-20 m/s, a high-tech unit in automatic mode are arranged horizontally. This helps to avoid damage during storms and strong winds.

The staff of the Dnipropetrovsk SES represented by six employees. As the energy production process is automated, there is no need for a larger number of people serving the station. In the future we plan to increase the capacity of solar power to 6 MW.